Our scouting units have been in operation for over 50 years and have provided 100's of youth with rewarding scouting experiences.


We are chartered by Lisburn Fire Co. and meet at Mt. Olivet UMC on Simpson Ferry Road in Mechanicsburg.  We have scouts from West Shore, Mechanicsburg and Cumberland Valley School Districts as well as home school and private school students.


We are a very active unit, with multiple activities, camping adventures and service projects scheduled thru out the year. 


We operate three units as shown below for both younger and older youth (grades K-12).




Pack 300 - Cub scouting for both boys and girls grades K thru 5

Pack meeting 3rd Monday of the month

Den meetings twice a month on Tuesday nights


Troop 300B - Scouting program for Boys aged 10 to 17

Troop meetings every Monday night


Troop 300G - Scouting program for Girls aged 10 to 17

Troop meetings every Monday night